Steps to Obtain a Dependent Visa and Our Services.

Dependent Visa

Dependent Visa

Spouses and children of foreign nationals staying in Japan on a work or study visa may obtain a Dependent Visa to stay in Japan.

This article will explain the basics of applying for Dependent Visa for family members.


What is Dependent Visa?

If a If a foreign national is working or studying in Japan and wishes to have their dependents stay with them, they can apply for a Dependent Visa.

In principle, holders of this visa are not permitted to work. However, they may obtain permission to engage in activities other than those permitted by Dependent visa, allowing them to work up to 28 hours per week.

This visa is specifically for spouses and children who are financially dependent on the primary visa holder. It does not apply to other relatives, such as parents.

Requirements for Obtaining Dependent Visa

The following two points are particularly important for obtaining a Dependent Visa.

The sponsor (spouse or parent) must be willing and financially able to support the dependent.

The sponsor must not only demonstrate a willingness to support the applicant but also show financial capacity to do so. If there are additional dependents living abroad, they will also be considered in the screening process. Factors such as the size of the living space and whether it can adequately support the family will be taken into account.

The applicant must rely on the sponsor for financial support.

The applicant should be financially dependent on the sponsoring spouse or parent, and they must live together. In the case of children, they must also be under the care and education of their parents. The relationship and living situation will be scrutinized to ensure they live together unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the child is nearing adulthood, the visa may not be granted if it’s suspected that they are seeking employment rather than continuing to live dependently.

Process for obtaining a Dependent Visa

The following steps outline the process for obtaining Dependent Visa.

Confirmation of Requirements and Document Collection

Prepare documents that verify family relationships, such as a copy of the family register and marriage certificate, along with financial documents that demonstrate the ability to support the applicant.

Preparation of Application Documents

All application documents must be prepared in Japanese.

When you contact our office, we will prepare appropriate and smooth documents through careful interviews.

Application Submission

Once the application form is completed, you can apply for a residence status. There is no interview after submission, meaning the entire review process is based on the written application. The key to approval is submitting documents that clearly demonstrate a stable and legitimate marital relationship.

Obtaining Permission

If you successfully obtain a dependent status of residence, you will be able to stay in Japan as a dependent. While working is not permitted in principle, you can apply for “permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence,” which allows you to work up to 28 hours per week.

Important Points for Obtaining a Dependent Visa

The following are two key points to keep in mind when applying for a Dependent Visa

International Students Bringing Dependents to Japan

Under Japanese law, spouses and children of international students are eligible for a Dependent Visa. However, it’s important to note that foreign students are generally not allowed to work, and their ability to financially support their dependents is closely scrutinized.

If the student has sufficient savings to support themselves and their dependents for over a year, this typically isn’t an issue. However, if not, the student must demonstrate that they can support their dependents through part-time work permitted under their visa or through parental assistance.

Bringing a Child to Japan as a Dependent

The key requirement is that the child must be under the care and education of the applicant. If only the parent(s) initially moved to Japan while the child remained in the home country for an extended period, careful consideration is needed.

If you plan to bring the child to Japan, you must provide a clear explanation of why you have not lived together for the past several years and the circumstances that necessitate the child’s relocation to Japan.

Failing to provide a satisfactory explanation could raise suspicions that the child’s presence in Japan is for purposes other than family reunification, such as job hunting.

What We Offer


Applying for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) : From 100,000 yen

Assisting foreign residents in obtaining their Dependent Visas to stay in Japan.

Change of Visa : From 100,000 yen

Assistance with changing your current visa to a Dependent Visa.

Extension of Period of Stay : From 40,000 yen

Renewal of your current visa to extend your stay.

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