Steps to Obtain a Business Management Visa and Our Services.

Business Management Visa

Foreign nationals who wish to start a business in Japan must obtain a Business Management Visa.
Acquiring this visa requires following various procedures according to Japanese regulations.
Since numerous documents must be submitted and preparations must be made in advance, the hurdles to starting a business and obtaining a residence status are quite high.

In this article, we will explain the process of applying for a visa when starting a business in Japan.


Important Points for Obtaining a Business Management Visa

The following four points are particularly important for obtaining a Business Management Visa.

1. Establishing a Clear Business Plan and Content

Immigration authorities place great importance on whether you have a strong intention to run a business and whether the business plan is specific, stable, and sustainable. If your business plan is unclear, obtaining the visa will be difficult.

You need to provide detailed information, including the background of how you decided to start the business, the source of funds, and specific details of the business plan (profit and loss estimates, sales channels, strategies, market analysis, etc.).
A serious commitment is required to obtain this visa.

2. Engagement in Business Activities

Merely providing funds without being involved in the business management is not acceptable for obtaining the visa.

3. Investment of 5 Million Yen or More in your company

A minimum investment of 5 million yen is required when establishing your company. This amount should cover essential expenses such as office rent, salaries for yourself and any staff, and other startup costs.

While it’s not mandatory for the applicant to personally provide the entire 5 million yen, it is highly recommended that the applicant holds the majority of shares. During the immigration review process, authorities will closely examine who has effective control of the company.

4. Securing an Office in Japan

Co-working spaces and virtual offices are not permitted.
You must secure an office in Japan that is necessary for running your business.

Visa Application Patterns

For foreigners seeking to obtain a Business Management Visa from overseas, there are two main options.

Pattern 1:Apply for a visa after establishing a company and being ready to start the business

This is the most common approach, but it requires a collaborator residing in Japan.
This is because most of the necessary procedures before applying for the visa, such as company incorporation and capital transfer, can only be completed with the help of someone in Japan.

You will need to start the business with a collaborator who will serve as a director of the company when it is established.
The visa application must convincingly demonstrate to the Immigration Bureau that the business is viable and will be conducted as planned.
Be aware that if your visa is denied, you will incur significant costs.
Since the visa application is made after the company is established and office space is secured, a considerable amount of money will be spent before the application is submitted.
To avoid visa denial, ensure that your business plan is comprehensive and realistic.

Pattern 2:Apply for a short-term Business Management Visa for four months, prepare for business after entering Japan, and renew the visa after four months

If you do not have a collaborator in Japan, you will not be able to establish a company or open a bank account before applying for the visa.
In this case, you should first obtain a short-term Business Administration Visa for four months and then, after entering Japan, register your residence, open a bank account, establish a company, and carry out other preparations for starting your business.
Although this method may seem simpler compared to Pattern 1, the immigration authorities’ review process is very strict.
Therefore, you must create a highly detailed business plan and demonstrate your strong commitment to conducting business in Japan.

Note: There is also a visa known as the start-up visa, which provides a 6-month preparatory period for starting a business.
However, it is only available in specific designated areas.
In this case, the process for obtaining a Business Management Visa closely follows the same steps as those for the short-term Business Management Visa.

Originally, the only way to obtain a Business Management Visa was through the first method mentioned above, but it’s a complex and challenging process, especially for those residing abroad.
To make it easier for foreign nationals to start businesses in Japan, the second method was introduced. However, in practice, the screening process for this second method is extremely strict.
Immigration authorities will conduct a thorough review of your business plan, financial information, and other details.

The examination period for a Business ManagementVisa can take up to a year or more in some cases, so patience is required during the application process.
By engaging a specialist to support your application, you can facilitate a smoother start to your business in Japan.

What We Offer

We can assist you not only with your visa application but also with all the preparations needed to start a business in Japan.
Our thorough knowledge of the law allows us to handle each procedure effectively and support your smooth business operations in Japan.

1. Visa Application Support: From 250,000 yen

We provide assistance with documentation, application procedures, scheduling, and other aspects required for obtaining a Business Management Visa.

2. Company Establishment Support: From 300,000 yen

 We assist with the incorporation of a company.
This fee includes incorporation taxes (approximately 150,000 yen).

3. Support for Office Contracts: From 100,000 yen

We handle communication with the lessor when signing an office lease on your behalf.
We ensure that the contract meets the requirements for obtaining a visa.

4. Support for Opening a Personal Bank Account: From 50,000 yen

We assist with opening a personal bank account needed for company establishment.
This includes preparing necessary documents and communicating with bank staff.

5. Support for Contracting a Personal Residence: From 100,000 yen

Finding a place to live can be challenging for foreigners.
We negotiate with the lessor in Japanese and provide support from finding a residence to handling the contract.

6. Support for Administrative Procedures (Resident Registration, Seal Registration, etc.): From 100,000 yen

We assist with administrative procedures essential for residing in Japan. We handle these complex procedures in Japanese.

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